I’m a quota-holic and I suffer from performance fear -- the fear of underperforming.
In my early days as a sales rep, that fear drove me to outwork everyone and led me to success. As a sales leader, I make mistakes when I don’t recognize that performance fear. I react hastily, grasp for control, and dictate solutions to alleviate my uneasiness. The result: I impede my team’s success.
Sadly, many sales cultures are built on fear, and it starts with the leaders. Sales leaders react, dictate, seek control, then rinse and repeat in a vicious cycle. It’s a dangerous downward spiral to low performance, burnout, and an ineffective team.
But, modern sales cultures that win are not built on fear. They’re built on positive values such as trust, empowerment, and the pursuit of excellence.
The answer is to acknowledge your uneasiness for what it is: fear. Then take appropriate action based on the situation, not your emotions. The direction you help set with your team will then require you to trust and empower your team to execute. They will with your support. And in the end, you’ll win.
That’s why you’re in the position you’re in. You win. But now you’ll win faster and more often.
Leave the fear to the quota-holics.
Sales leaders, how do you build a positive team culture that excels?